May 24–25, 2018
Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France
Just as physics provides a foundation for chemistry, and chemistry for medicine, biology is the natural foundation for any science that seeks to understand the behavior of living beings, including humans. This year we held the 6th Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop. In the past, this workshop has dealt with topics such as the evolutionary foundations of morality, the intra-generational transmission of preferences, and the family. This year the theme is Evolution, Cognition, and Rationality. Speakers come from several disciplines, including biology, computer science, economics, physics, and psychology.
Besides the plenary sessions, there will be a poster session to which post-docs and Ph.D. students are most welcome to submit applications (abstract + CV + cover letter) to no later than March 30, 2018.
Full Programme Abstracts |
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Travel Information |
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Access Building S |
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List of speakers
Immanuel Bomze, University of Vienna
Joanna J. Bryson, University of Bath & Princeton University
Noam Brown, Carnegie Mellon University
Iain Couzin, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology & University of Konstanz
Audrey Dussutour, CNRS University Toulouse III
Yuval Heller, Bar-Ilan University
Cecilia Heyes, University of Oxford
Peter Gärdenfors, Lund University
Alex Kacelnik, University of Oxford
Marc Mézard, ENS Paris Sud University
Erik Mohlin, Lund University
Arthur Robson, Simon Fraser University
Ariel Rubinstein, Tel Aviv University
Aldo Rustichini, University of Minnesota
This event has been funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the investissements d'avenir programme reference ANR-11-LABX-0052.
The 6th Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop, Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France, May 24–25, 2018.