June 1–2, 2017
Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France
Preceding event
The 4th Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop, Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France, May 30–31, 2016.
Just as physics provides a foundation for chemistry, and chemistry for medicine, evolutionary biology is the natural foundation for any science that seeks to understand the behavior of living beings. Recent years have witnessed a surge in empirical and theoretical research that establishes connections between evolutionary biology, economics, and evolutionary anthropology. For this 5th edition of the Toulouse Biology and Economics workshop, we have invited speakers from these disciplines who have conducted research on the family. Areas of expertise of invited speakers include empirical approaches to understanding physiological, demographic, and behavioral responses to family living, and theoretical modeling of sexual strategies, household preferences, and reproduction.
Besides the plenary sessions, there have been a poster session.
Programme [pdf file] / Abstracts Talks [pdf file]

Distinguished Speakers
Robert Brooks, Biologist, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Pierre-André Chiappori, Economist, Columbia University, NY, USA
Donald Cox, Economist, Boston College, MA, USA
Partha Dasgupta, Economist, University of Cambridge, UK
David De La Croix, Economist, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Lena Edlund, Economist, Columbia University, NY, USA
Lee Gettler, Anthropologist, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA
Hanna Kokko, Biologist, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Ruth Mace, Anthropologist, University College London, UK
Brooke Scelza, Anthropologist, University of California-Los Angeles, USA
Brian Wood, Anthropologist, Yale University, CT, USA
Thanks to all for your involvement!
This event has been funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the investissements d'avenir programme reference ANR-11-LABX-0052.
The 5th annual Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop: The evolution and economics of the family, Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France, June 1–2, 2017.