About Us

Initially located in the Manufacture des Tabacs, the community of researchers and staff of Toulouse School of Economics and IAST moved into a brand new building in November 2019.
Dedicated to this community, this new building is also dedicated to research with the specificity, provided by IAST, of developing the economy for the common good and multidisciplinarity.
The University Toulouse Capitole was the prime contractor for the  construction of this building---the first time a university has led the project management of a construction site within the framework of a State-Regional Planning Contract (CEPR).
The Irish firm "Grafton Architects" designed a building open to the city that blends perfectly into the historic heritage environment of Toulouse.
“What we try to do in our work is to be aware of the various levels of citizenship and try to find an architecture that deals with overlap, that heightens your relationship to one another. Toulouse School of Economics features brick buttresses, ramps and courtyards, which are metaphors for the city filled with bridges, walls, promenades and stone towers.” Yvonne Farrell
Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara, the architects of the new building, won the 2020 Pritzker Architecture Prize which is often described as architecture's Nobel Prize: https://www.pritzkerprize.com. The building has also generated several other prizes, including the prestigious Equerre d’Argent in 2020.




Numbers :

  • Height: 24m
  • 3000 m2 ground clearance
  • 8 levels
  • 277 offices
  • 6 auditoriums
  • numerous meeting rooms
  • an experimental lab


More pictures on TSE Flickr account





Name Years at IAST Discipline Last known affiliation
Asante Kofi Takyi 2016-2018 Sociology Research Fellow at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana
Avila Piret 2022-2024 Biology  
Bader Lauren 2019-2023 Psychology  
Bago Bence 2018-2021 Psychology Assistant Professor, Psychology, Tilburg University
Baniel Alice 2016-2019 Biology Junior researcher at IRD, Montpellier University
Barragan Gladys 2014-2017 Psychology CNRS Researcher, Station d'écologie théorique et expérimentale, Moulis
Bhandari Abhit 2020-2021 Political Science Assistant Professor of Political Science, Vanderbilt University
Bottomley Sean 2013-2016 History Senior Fellow in History, Northumbria University
Bovet Jeanne 2015-2018 Biology Senior Lecturer in Biology, Northumbria University
Cauchoix Maxime 2014-2017 Biology Post-doctoral Fellow in Biology, Station d'écologie théorique et expérimentale, Moulis
Cavaillé Charlotte 2014-2016 Political Science Assistant Professor of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Colleran Heidi 2014-2016 Anthropology Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Conway Jane 2019-2022 Psychology SFI-IRC Pathway Fellow and Hon. Assistant Professor, National University of Ireland Galway
Crawford Nicholas 2016-2019 History Assistant Professor, Sam Houston State University
Daskalova Vessela 2016-2020 Economics Assistant Professor of Economics, University College Dublin
Dazey Margot 2019-2022 Political Science CNRS researcher, Centre d'études et de recherches administratives, politiques et sociales (CERAPS), University of Lille
De Petrillo Francesca 2018-2021 Psychology Lecturer in Psychology, Newcastle University
Dekeyser Elizabeth 2019-2020 Political Science  
Denly Michael 2022-2023 Political Science Assistant Professor, Texas A&M’s Bush School of Government and Public Service
Dinetan Lee 2016-2019 Mathematics Mathematics Teacher
Dridi Slimane 2017-2020 Biology  
Duell Dominik 2014-2016 Political Science Lecturer, University of Innsbruck
Durkee Patrick 2021-2022 Psychology Assistant Professor of Psychology, California State University
Dyble Mark 2016-2017 Anthropology Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
Faria Gonçalo 2019-2021 Biology Leverhulme fellowship, University of East Anglia
Fournier Gaëtan 2016-2017 Mathematics Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Garfield Zachary 2019-2023 Anthropology Assistant Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences
Gentry Elissa 2017-2019 Political Science Assistant Professor at the College of Law, Florida State University
Glowacki Luke 2016-2019 Anthropology Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Boston University
Horz Carlo 2017-2019 Political Science Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University
Kleshnina Maria 2021-2023 Mathematics Research Fellow, Queensland University of Technology
Klingler Jonathan 2013-2016 Political Science Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Mississippi
Kumon Yuzuru 2020-2022 History Post-doctoral Researcher, Norwegian School of Economics
Le Bihan Patrick 2013-2016 Political Science Assistant Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po Paris, CEVIPOF
MacMillan Alissa 2012-2015 Philosophy Post-doctoral Fellow in Philosophy, University of Antwerp
Malik Hassan 2014-2016 History Investment Analyst
Mantilla Cesar 2013-2016 Economics Associate Professor in the Economics Department, Universidad del Rosario
Matlon Jordanna 2012-2015 Sociology Assistant Professor School of International Service, American University
Menendez Irene 2017-2018 Political Science Assistant Professor in International Political Economy, IE University in Madrid
Merola Vittorio 2016-2018 Political Science Assistant Professor in the School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University
Mesevage Gabriel 2017-2019 History Lecturer in British Economic History, King's College London
Micheletti Alberto 2019-2020 Biology Research Fellow in Evolutionary Anthropology at the Department of Anthropology, University College London
Mitter Sreemati 2018-2019 / 2022- History IAST Research Fellow
Molho Catherine 2019-2021 Psychology Assistant Professor in Social Psychology, VU Amsterdam
Moon Jordan 2022-2024 Psychology Lecturer, Brunel University
Mouginot Maud 2023/09-2024/03 Anthropology Post-doctoral Researcher, Boston University
Nitsch Aïda 2014-2017 Biology Post-doctoral Researcher, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Turku
Noebel Sabine 2018-2022 Biology Post-doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Biology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Novaes Lucas 2016-2018 Political Science Assistant Professor at Insper Institute of Education and Research, São Paulo, Brazil
Nurutdinov Imil 2019-2022 History  
Pant Saurabh 2018-2020 Political Science Lecturer, Department of Government, University of Essex
Purcell Zoé 2020-2023 Psychology Access ERC grant, LaPsyDe, Université Paris Cité
Rat-Fischer Lauriane 2016-2018 Psychology Associate Professor of Psychology, Paris Nanterre University
Razafindrazaka Harilanto 2016-2021 Biology CNRS Researcher
Rosenberg Michele 2022-2023 Economics Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Essex
Rosenzweig Leah 2018-2020 Political Science Director of the Market Shaping Accelerator, University of Chicago
Saral Ali Seyhun 2022-2024 Economics  
Schradie Jen 2014-2018 Sociology Assistant Professor of Sociology, Observatoire sociologique du changement, Sciences Po, Paris
Schwartz Kathryn 2017-2019 / 2021-2022 History Assistant Professor, UMass Amherst (deceased)
Seguin-Orlando Andaine 2017-2020 Biology Associate Professor in Palaeogenomics, University Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3
Simpson Hannah 2017-2019 Political Science Assistant Professor in the Dept of Political Science, Texas A&M University
Singh Manvir 2020-2022 Anthropology Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Davis
Snow Samuel 2021-2023 Anthropology Post-doctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia
Stuckatz Jan 2019-2021 Political Science Assistant Professor of Business and Government at the Department of International Economics, Copenhagen Business School
Tavana Daniel 2021-2022 Political Science Assistant Professor, Penn State's Political Science Department
Tognetti Arnaud 2014-2017 Biology CNRS Researcher, Center for Environmental Economics in Montpellier
Van Leeuwen Boris 2014-2016 Economics Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics of Tilburg University
Velasco Carlos 2016-2018 Political Science Research Scientist on the Demography and Survey Science Team at Facebook
Venkataraman Vivek 2018-2020 Anthropology Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Calgary
Wang Erik 2020-2021 Political Science Assistant Professor in the Wilf Family Department of Politics, New York University