
Culture Matters: macro and micro level approaches to the history of cultural change

April 28, 2017

Toulouse, France

Room MS 001

Joint workshop of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History (MPI-SHH) and

the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST)

Every social science discipline must contend with how history and culture have contributed to their phenomenon of interest. From the distribution of our genes and languages to the institutions that structure action, from incentives to social norms, culture and the history of cultural change matters. How do different disciplines approach this question? This one-day workshop brings together scholars from diverse disciplines working on how culture and history influence the historical and contemporary dynamics of human phenomena. Along with members of the Department of Linguistic and Cultural evolution (DLCE) at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History (MPI-SHH), members of IAST will present their work with the aim of developing collaborative links through discussion of these wide-ranging topics in an interdisciplinary environment. We hope to generate exciting new interdisciplinary synergies between our institutes and invite all members and affiliates of IAST to take part.


Programme [in pdf file]

09.30-10.10 Introduction: "Why is culture contested and how is it measurable? Examples from Anthropology", Heidi Colleran (Anthropology), IAST/MPI-SHH

10.10-10.50 "How to say things with things: the evolution of graphic codes", Olivier Morin (Cognitive Anthropology), MPI-SHH

10.50-11.30 "Cultural transmission of mating preferences in Drosophila melanogaster Etienne", Danchin (Biology), EDB/TULIP

11.30-12.30 "Macro matters: Cultural macroevolution and the prospects for an evolutionary science of human history", Russell Gray (Biology/Psychology), MPI-SHH


14.00-14.40 "Perception and use of humor in a learning context: a cross-cultural and developmental overview",  Lauriane Rat-Fischer (Developmental Psychology/Comparative Cognition), IAST

14.40-15.20 "What is known and unknown on genetic diversity and sensory perception diversity", Harilanto Razafindrazka (Biology), IAST

15.20-16.00 "Can cultural evolution learn from population genetics?", Adam Powell (Population Genetics), MPI-SHH


16.20-17.00 "Political Dynasties and Party Strength: Evidence from Victorian Britain", Carlos Velasco (Political Science), IAST

17.00-17.40 "The role of linguistics in multidisciplinary approaches to southern African prehistory", Anna-Maria Fehn (Linguistics), MPI-SHH

Organiser: Heidi Colleran:

This event has been funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the investissements d'avenir programme reference ANR-11-LABX-0052.


Culture Matters: macro and micro level approaches to the history of cultural change, Toulouse, France, April 28, 2017, room MS 001.

See also