
IAST Political Economy Workshop

June 22, 09:00 to June 23, 2022, 17:30


Room Auditorium 5 (level 2)

Background and objective

The main objective of this conference is to gather IAST faculty, visiting researchers and research fellows working on political economy, as well as 2022 IAST Summer School participants interested in the topic. It will take advantage of the unusual number of researchers working on political economy that are visiting IAST this academic year, while providing a unique opportunity for summer school attendees to get feedback on their research.

In concordance with IAST’s scientific endeavor for interdisciplinary—which is also a defining characteristic of the field of political economy—we will involve faculty, fellows and students from various fields such as economics and political science, and possibly other related fields. We believe that the presence of these scholars will enrich the scientific discussion among conference participants and promote IAST’s core mission.

OrganizersHoracio Larreguy, Alberto Simpser, and Victor Gay

Location: Toulouse, IAST & TSE building (Auditorium 5 - Level 2)

Dates: June 22-23, 2022


This event is funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the investissements d'avenir programme reference ANR-17-EURE-0010.




IAST Political Economy Workshop, Toulouse, June 22, 09:00 to June 23, 2022, 17:30, room Auditorium 5 (level 2).