
Symposium on Empirically-Calibrated Agent-Based Models for Mechanism-Based Research

December 11, 2024

Toulouse, TSE/IAST Building

The Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST) is hosting a workshop on Empirically-Calibrated Agent-Based Models for Mechanism-Based Research. Participants to that workshop will present their research in an open symposium on Wednesday December 11th, 2024. We cordially invite all researchers from IAST, TSE and the broader scientific community in Toulouse to come and participate in the symposium.



In recent decades, agent-based simulation models (ABMs) have emerged as a central tool for theorizing about micro-macro dynamics. In parallel, the 2000s also saw the digital revolution—unleashing an unprecedented amount of data about individuals, their (inter)actions and social environments—and the popularization of analytical sociology, a branch of sociology arguing for mechanism-based explanations and a tighter link between theory and empirical research. Thus, the question about whether, and if so how, to integrate ABMs with empirical data has become increasingly pertinent. Status quo, however, is that there is relatively scarce application of empirical calibration, that there are no standardized procedures or best practices, and that there are few venues to discuss issues focused on empirical calibration. In this symposium we discuss the ways in which ABM can be used for mechanism-based research, focusing on empirical applications of such models. The speakers showcase a breadth of applications in sociology, economics, computer science and other behavioral sciences.



Gianluca Manzo, Sorbonne University

Peter Hedström, Institute for Analytical Sociology

Eva Vriens, National Research Council Italy

Federico Bianchi, University of Milan

Firouzeh Rosa Taghikhah, University of Sydney

Lucas Sage, European University Institute

Marco Pangollo, Centai Turin

Marijn Keijzer, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse

Marion Hoffman, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse

Martin Arvidsson, Institute for Analytical Sociology

Selcan Mutgan, Institute for Analytical Sociology

Silvia Leoni, Maastricht University


Organizers: Marijn Keijzer, Lucas Sage, Selcan Mutgan & Martin Arvidsson

Location: Toulouse School of Economics (Auditorium 3)

Date: December 11, 2024

Contact: For further information, please send an email to




This event is funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the investissements d'avenir programme reference ANR-17-EURE-0010.



Symposium on Empirically-Calibrated Agent-Based Models for Mechanism-Based Research, Toulouse, TSE/IAST Building, December 11, 2024.