Aviad Heifetz, and Jorge Peña, “Nash equilibria are extremely unstable in most games under the utility-taking gradient dynamics”, TSE Working Paper, n. 25-1627, March 2025.
Ingela Alger, Sergey Gavrilets, and Patrick Durkee, “Proximate and ultimate drivers of norms and norm change”, IAST Working Paper, n. 24-163, June 2024.
Catherine Molho, Jorge Peña, Manvir Singh, and Maxime Derex, “Do institutions evolve like material technologies?”, IAST Working Paper, n. 24-162, June 2024.
Charles Mullon, Jorge Peña, and Laurent Lehmann, “Evolution of environmentally mediated social interactions under isolation by distance”, IAST Working Paper, n. 23-156, October 2023.
Jorge Peña, Aviad Heifetz, and Georg Nöldeke, “The shirker’s dilemma and the prospect of cooperation in large groups”, IAST Working Paper, n. 23-152, April 2023, revised October 2023.
Jorge Peña, and Georg Nöldeke, “Cooperative dilemmas with binary actions and multiple players”, IAST Working Paper, n. 23-153, April 2023.
Piret Avila, and Laurent Lehmann, “Life history and mutation rate joint evolution”, IAST Working Paper, n. 23-151, March 2023.
Piret Avila, and Charles Mullon, “Evolutionary Game Theory and the Adaptive Dynamics Approach: Adaptation where Individuals Interact”, IAST Working Paper, n. 23-150, February 2023.
Ingela Alger, and Laurent Lehmann, “Evolution of semi-Kantian preferences in two-player assortative interactions with complete and incomplete information and plasticity”, IAST Working Paper, n. 23-148, January 2023, revised May 2023.