Victor Gay, Paula Gobbi, and Marc Goni, “The Customary Atlas of Ancien Régime France”, Explorations in Economic History, vol. 93, n. 101588, July 2024.
Victor Gay, Paula Gobbi, and Marc Goni, “The atlas of local jurisdictions of Ancien Régime France”, Journal of Historical Geography, vol. 84, June 2024, pp. 49–60.
Margot Dazey, and Victor Gay, “The Mosque Nearby: Visible Minorities and Far-Right Support in France”, Comparative Political Studies, 2024, forthcoming.
Victor Gay, and Pauline Grosjean, “Morts Pour la France: A database of French fatalities of the great war”, Explorations in Economic History, vol. 90, n. 101550, October 2023.
Victor Gay, “The Intergenerational Transmission of World War I on Female Labour”, The Economic Journal, vol. 133, n. 654, August 2023, p. 2303–2333.
David Le Bris, and Victor Gay, “Distance to innovations, kinship intensity, and psychological traits”, Plos One, vol. 18, n. 1, January 2023.
Victor Gay, “Culture: An Empirical Investigation of Beliefs, Work, and Fertility. A Verification and Reproduction of Fernández and Fogli (American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2009)”, Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics, vol. 2, 2023.
Jörn Boehnke, and Victor Gay, “The Missing Men: World War I and Female Labor Force Participation”, The Journal of Human Resources, vol. 57, n. 4, 2022, pp. 1209–1241.
Kathryn Schwartz, and Omar Youssef Cheta, “A Printer’s Odd Plea to Reform Legal Pluralism in Khedival Egypt”, Past & Present, vol. 252, n. 1, August 2021, pp. 179–211.
Sreemati Mitter, “(Essay in peer-reviewed journal) "Hidden Gems” and “Greatest Hits”: Capitalism in Palestine; A Historical Snapshot”, Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. 50, n. 2, 2021, p. 138–143.