
4th IAST-TSE Conference in Political Economy and Political Science

March 23–24, 2017

Toulouse, France

Objectives of the conference: A fundamental question in political science and political economy concerns how the design of political institutions shapes politics, policies, and representation. The striking variation in the design of democratic institutions around the world and throughout history has led generations of scholars to examine the consequences of different rules of the democratic game as well as to explore their origins. This conference aims at bringing together current research that assesses democratic institutions (e.g., voting rules, district magnitude, voting rights, quotas, term limits, instruments of direct democracy), combining different approaches (formal modeling, experiments, quantitative analyses).



Opening Condorcet lecture: Larry Bartels (Vanderbilt University)
March 23, 10.30-12.00

This event has been funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the investissements d'avenir programme reference ANR-11-LABX-0052.


4th IAST-TSE Conference in Political Economy and Political Science: Assessing Democratic Institutions, Toulouse, France, March 23–24, 2017.