Daniel L. Chen, Moti Michaeli, and Daniel Spiro, “Legitimizing Policy”, IAST working paper, n. 20-107, July 2020.
Elliott Ash, Daniel L. Chen, Raul Delgado, Eduardo Fierro, and Shasha Lin, “Learning Policy Levers: Toward Automated Policy Analysis Using Judicial Corpora”, IAST working paper, n. 18-90, August 2018.
Daniel L. Chen, Vardges Levonyan, and Susan Yeh, “Policies Affect Preferences: Evidence from Random Variation in Abortion Jurisprudence”, IAST working paper, n. 16-58, October 2016.
Daniel L. Chen, and Martin Schonger, “Testing axiomatizations of ambiguity aversion”, IAST working paper, n. 16-61, October 2016.
Daniel L. Chen, Moti Michaeli, and Daniel Spiro, “Ideological Perfectionism”, IAST working paper, n. 16-47, September 2016.
Daniel L. Chen, “The Deterrent Effect of the Death Penalty? Evidence from British Commutations During World War I”, TSE Working Paper, n. 16-706, September 2016, revised February 2020.
Daniel L. Chen, “Markets, Morality, and Economic Growth: Competition Affects Utilitarian Judgment”, IAST working paper, n. 16-45, September 2016.
Daniel L. Chen, and Susan Yeh, “Government Expropriation Increases Economic Growth and Racial Inequality: Evidence from Eminent Domain”, IAST working paper, n. 16-46, September 2016.
Daniel L. Chen, Yosh Halberstam, and Alan Yu, “Covering: Mutable Characteristics and Perceptions of (Masculine) Voice in the U.S. Supreme Court”, IAST working paper, n. 16-38, July 2016, revised February 2020.
Daniel L. Chen, “Priming Ideology: Why Presidential Elections Affect U.S. Judges”, IAST working paper, n. 16-39, July 2016, revised August 2016.
Daniel L. Chen, and Markus Loecher, “Mood and the Malleability of Moral Reasoning: The Impact of Irrelevant Factors on Judicial Decisions”, IAST working paper, n. 16-49, 2016, revised September 2019.
Daniel L. Chen, and Susan Yeh, “How Do Rights Revolutions Occur? Free Speech and the First Amendment”, IAST working paper, n. 16-51, 2016.
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