25–26 juin 2018
Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France
Salle MS001-MS002
Erica Charters: "Information and Knowledge during Eighteenth-century Colonial Warfare" [abstract]
Gerben Bakker: "Managing the fundamental paradox: a long-run analysis of business models for trading information since c. 1500" [abstract]
Kofi Baku: "Ineffectual provisions (in language) or incomplete emancipation? Ghana’s Constitutions and the rights of persons of slave ancestry in traditional societies" [abstract]
Julia Cagé (joint with Charles Angelucci and Mike Sinkinson): "Media competition and news diets" [abstract]
Bronwen Everill: "Creating Underdevelopment: Commercial Misinformation in the Abolitionist’s African Political Economy Arguments" [abstract]
Nile Green: "The Market of Fact and Fantasy:Brokering Afghanistan in Late Imperial Britain" [abstract]
Hansun Hsiung: "Reflections on the Revolution in Franch (sic): Anecdotes and Global Historical Consciousness in Nineteenth-century East Asia" [abstract]
Ilham Khuri-Makdisi: "Al-Bustani's Arabic Encyclopedia (1870s-1900) and the Global Production of Knowledge in the Late Ottoman Levant" [abstract]
Aldon Morris: "W. E. B. Du Bois at the Center: From Science, Civil Rights Movement, to Black Lives Matter" [abstract]
Mara Squicciarini (co-authored with Nico Voigtläner):" Knowledge Elites and Modernization:Evidence from Revolutionary France" [abstract]
Cette conférence a été financée par une subvention de l'Etat français gérée par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche dans le cadre du programme "Investissements d'avenir" référence ANR-11-LABX-0052.

Information, Communication, and Knowledge in Historical Perspective, Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France, 25–26 juin 2018, salle MS001-MS002.