Sabine Noebel, Antoine Jacquet, Guillaume Isabel, Arnaud Pocheville, Paul Seabright, and Etienne Danchin, “Conformity in mate choice, the overlooked social component of animal and human culture”, Biological Reviews, vol. 98, n. 1, February 2023, pp. 132–149.
Michael Denly, Michael Findley, Joelean Hall, Andrew Stravers, and James Igoe Walsh, “Do Natural Resources Really Cause Civil Conflict? Evidence from the New Global Resources Dataset”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 66, n. 3, 2023, pp. 387–412.
Paula Ibáñez de Aldecoa, Emily Burdett, and Erik Gustafsson, “Riding the elephant in the room: Towards a revival of the optimal level of stimulation model”, Developmental Review, vol. 66, n. 101051, December 2022.
Susan Perry, Alecia Carter, Jacob Foster, Sabine Noebel, and Marco Smolla, “What makes inventions become traditions?”, Annual Review of Anthropoloy, vol. 51, October 2022, pp. 419–436.
Javier Fernández-López de Pablo, Valéria Romano, Maxime Derex, Erik Gjesfjeld, Claudine Gravel-Miguel, Marcus J. Hamilton, Andrea Bamberg Migliano, Felix Riede, and Sergi Lozano, “Understanding hunter–gatherer cultural evolution needs network thinking”, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, vol. 37, n. 8, August 2022, pp. 632–636.
Sabine Noebel, Xiaobo Wang, Laurine Talvard, Juliette Tariel, Maëva Lille, Julien Cucherousset, Myriam Roussigné, and Etienne Danchin, “The importance of population heterogeneities in detecting social learning as the foundation of animal cultural transmission”, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 289, June 2022.
Ingela Alger, and Jean-François Laslier, “Homo moralis goes to the voting booth: coordination and information aggregation”, Journal of Theoretical Politics, vol. 34, n. 2, March 2022.
Guy Alexander Cooper, Ming Liu, Jorge Peña, and Stuart Andrew West, “The evolution of mechanisms to produce phenotypic heterogeneity in microorganisms”, Nature Communications, vol. 13, n. 195, January 2022.