22–23 mai 2014
Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France
Événement précédent
The First Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop, Manufacture des Tabacs - Building S, Toulouse, 23–24 mai 2013.
Événement suivant
The Third Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop: Evolution and Morality, Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France, 4–5 juin 2015.
Jeudi 22 Mai, 2014
09:00-10:00 Sam Bowles (Sante Fe Institute) : “A cooperative species: evolutionary models & the Pleistocene human condition”
10:00-11:00 Andy Gardner (University of St Andrews) : “Adaptation of individuals, groups and genes”
11:30-12:30 Georg Nöldeke (University of Basel) : “Group size (diversity) in public good games”
13:30-14:30 Poster session 1
- Andrei Akhmetzhanov (Montpellier) : “Studying tumor growth dynamics with taking into account its heterogeneity and possible acquirement of therapeutic resistance”
- Aida Nitsch (Montpellier and Sheffield) : “Alloparenting in humans: are non-reproductive kin really helping?”
- Stefano Giaimo (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research) : “How to connect time-preference behavior with the evolutionary theory of aging”
- Arnaud Tognetti (Montpellier) : “Sexual selection of cooperative behavior: an experimental study in rural Senegal”
- Jeremy Van Cleve (Duke and North Carolina State) : “Stochastic stability and the evolution of coordination in subdivided populations”
- Boris Van Leeuwen (Tinbergen Institute) : “Don’t Press the Angry Button: On Predicting Rejection in an Ultimatum Game”
14:30-15:30 David Cesarini (New York University) : “The Promises and Pitfalls of Using Genetic Data in the Social Sciences?”
16:00-17:00 Laurent Lehmann (University of Lausanne) : “Does evolution lead to maximizing behavior?”
Vendredi 23 Mai, 2014
09:00-10:00 Michael Hochberg (University of Montpellier) : “Cancer therapies: satisficing using evolutionarily sound stragegies”
10:00-11:00 Olof Leimar (Stockholm University) : “Social evolution and genetic polymorphism”
11:30-12:30 Erol Akçay (University of Pennsylvania) : “Setting up games for cooperation in economics and biology, especially under imperfect information”
13:30-14:30 Poster session 2
- Heidi Colleran (University College London) : “Community-level education accelerates the cultural evolution of fertility decline”
- Lucas Molleman (University of Nottingham) : “Variation of morals in human cooperation”
- Rob Noble (Montpellier) : “Cell competition and the evolution of tumor heterogeneity”
- Jorge Peña (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön) : “Evolution of collective action in Wright’s island model”
- Zibo Xu (Economics and Decision Sciences Department, HEC Paris) : “Stochastic stability in finite extensive-form games of perfect information”
14:30-15:30 Hillard Kaplan (University of New Mexico) : “Social and Economic Underpinnings of Human Biodemography”
16:00-17:00 Ingela Alger (TSE, CNRS, LERNA and IAST) : “Evolutionarily stable strategies, preferences and moral values, in n-player interactions”
Cette conférence a été financée par une subvention de l'Etat français gérée par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche dans le cadre du programme "Investissements d'avenir" référence ANR-11-LABX-0052.
The 2nd Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop, Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France, 22–23 mai 2014.